Just, NO.
An online store has many more requirements than a simple website. Both the fact that it is - usually - an extension of a physical store and that electronic payments are made in it, make its construction quite a serious undertaking. From security arrangements that should be made to protect the customers' personal data and, more importantly, their online transactions, to the graphic design that will make it attractive and easy for the customer to browse. From the settings that should be made to make it faster and more efficient, to the so-called SEO and its search engine friendliness.
Even the part of the page that the "shopping cart" will be placed or even the contact details of the store, is part of a whole science (of web marketing), as of course each of the above elements. To make a professional and competitive online store, that is, you need a team of experienced professionals, each of whom will use the culmination of a know-how that has been acquired after a lot of time and effort.
No, all of the above cannot be bought for 199.99 euros, as if you are getting a plastic pool for your garden from Walmart. In fact, this price cannot even cover the operating costs required to start such a project. Even the companies that do the aggressive - if not misleading - advertising campaigns talking about eCommerce applications at humiliating prices, if you pay attention to the "star" next to the price that leads to the fine print, you will probably read that in order to actually do all of the above, in the end, the fee is way higher.
And why agree on a way higher price? Because it's about your brand, the image of your business on the internet (and if you don't exist today as a company on the internet, it's like you don't exist at all). And for your brand name to be constructed properly and to work effectively, you should employ every proper professional and every right practice and methodology. In addition, experience has shown many times that if you make it right from the beginning, you will pay off the construction costs relatively quickly, while if you go for the "simple", economical solution "just to have something on the Internet" usually something indulgently mediocre awaits you at the end of the ride. Something that will not honor you, your business/organization or the people who made it.
Therefore, my advice for those of you that consider creating an online store, is to run away from any such "opportunities" or "offers" and look for a proper professional who will guide you and advise you in terms of what you want to create, without caressing your ears. Only in this way will you be able to live up to the great demands that characterize an eshop.